fun stuff

Words of Wisdom
A 'Gimme' can best be described as an agreement between two golfers..neither of whom can putt very well..

Lee Trevino Quotes;
"I still swing the way I used to, but when I look up the ball is going in a different direction!"

Majorca prepares its residents for Ashey's arrival...

...while Ashey prepares himself for Majorca.
As if the game wasn't difficult enough...
Bendinat decide to make the 1st tee harder again...

..and Maioris toughen their island green.

The June Cup has become a lot more competitive..

..as methods of removing opponents become desperate..

..and courses seem to be getting harder...

...some manage to block out any distractions...

...while it's just too much for others.
Word soon gets round about Thugs' YouTube videos...

The rules are simple...

Loose impediments may be removed on the green.

You must accurately declare your score for the hole.

Every reasonable effort must be made to identify your ball....

... Which should be marked with a recognisable indication

The aftermath of Quent's buggy busting episodes at Poniente becomes evident...

Ashey managed his third trophy in as many years at Majorca 2017...
"Derek, If you say 'Big as a bucket' one more time....."
Boris grabs a quick selfie with his heroes...